The Monster Shop is a full service production studio founded by Dawn Brown. We specialize in concept design, character design, and stop-motion animation for film, television, web, games, toys, and print.

In 2024, the company earned certification from the U.S. Small Business Administration as a Woman Owned Small Business.

Brown has assembled a team of the most talented and experienced artists in the entertainment industry. Between us we have many years of practical experience designing, producing, directing, writing, storyboarding, sculpting, voice over, graphic design, editing.... whatever your project needs, we have the creative resources and talents to bring it to life.

Dawn Brown spent her childhood in Kansas City fostering an imagination fueled by comic books and monster movies. After college, she moved to Los Angeles in search of adventures in the movies. She has worked in the art departments of Hollywood's biggest feature films with award winning designers and directors, including J.J. Abrams, Steven Spielberg, and David Fincher. She has designed sets and created concept artwork for films such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Trek, and Star Wars: Skeleton Crew.

Inspired by these experiences, Brown recently moved behind the camera to tell stories of her own.

The Monster Shop is partners with MansArt Studios, founded by Warren Manser.  Manser is originally from Detroit, Michigan where he studied Industrial Design at the Center for Creative Studies. He designed the Ford “Splash” concept car while interning for the Ford Motor Company. After relocating to Los Angeles, Manser quickly found his way to Hollywood and provides concepts and designs for the industry's biggest feature films including Alice in Wonderland, the Transformers franchise, Man of Steel, Batman v. Superman, and Black Panther. He is the author of Constellation Orion: The Immortal Hunter, the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Our clients and partners include: